Our People

  • Haley volunteered with our farm for three years before starting work as our Farm Manager in 2020. She has extensive experience working with our refugee families, managing the GGRTF programs and operations, and expanding the farm's activities and resources to further its mission. In her spare time, she works as a musician. Her favorite vegetables are eggplant and bitter melon.

  • Jessica began supporting GGRTF in 2022 as a farm volunteer, which led to her position as Farm Assistant in 2023. In both of these positions, Jessica helped run the farmer's markets, social media, and managed food pantry donations. She is excited to expand her responsibilities in her new position, where she oversees our summer programming, manages our volunteers, and supporting our fundraising efforts. When she's not at the farm, you can find her crocheting or foraging for mushrooms. Her favorite vegetables are carrots and zucchinis. 

  • Tah Mae, Po Lo, Mu Bi Dah, and other family members came to the United States in 2010 after living in refugee camps in Thailand. They are originally from the Karen State in Burma where they were farmers, and have been involved in our farm since its inception in 2012.

  • Celestine is originally from Burundi, and came to the United States as a refugee in 2008. She comes from a farming background, and has been with our farm since 2014. She enjoys growing many different types of vegetables, including white African eggplant, and water spinach, which she was introduced to by our farmers from Burma.

  • Pah Ka Tee, his wife Pu Bye, and other family members came to the United States as refugees in 2011. They are originally from the Karen State in Burma, where they  farmed and grew many different types of vegetables, and rice. Pah Ka Tee and his family enjoy supplying local restaurant Eden with pounds upon pounds of arugula during the summertime.

  • Than Naing Oo is originally from the Karen State in Burma and is of Pwo Karen and Burmese descent. He came to the United States in 2008 as a refugee, after living in refugee camps in Mae Sot, Thailand. Than was previously a farmer in his country, and loves learning about new vegetables and growing techniques. He has been involved with our farm since 2013. 

  • Pak Suan is originally from the Chin State in Burma. He came to the United States as a refugee in 2011, and has been with our farm since its beginnings. Pak Suan enjoys growing traditional vegetables from Burma such as roselle/sour leaf and opo squash, and he is also a talented electrician. You can read more about Pak Suan in this Chicago Reader article from 2013.

  • Ka Nay Moo, daughter of Pah Ka Tee, is originally from the Karen State in Burma and came to the United States as a refugee in 2010. She loves sharing meals at the farm with her family and friends, and, along with her father, grows arugula for Eden Restaurant in Avondale.

Others Who Have Made Our Work Possible

  • ​Yvette works as a Case Manager at Heartland Alliance and has been instrumental in our farm operations throughout the years. She acts as a liaison for the various Burmese ethnic groups present at our farm, and assists with everything from translating, to disseminating farm messages, to offering feedback and input on our programming for our refugee families.

  • Linda Seyler founded Global Garden Refugee Training Farm in 2012 and served as Executive Director until 2023. We are so appreciative of her many years of service and dedication to our organization!

Board of Directors

  • Kristen Miodonski, President

  • Andrew Norrman, Vice President

  • Alessandra DeChancie, Secretary

  • Chris Williams, Treasurer

  • Hillary Tun 

  • Rory Leahy